Vladimir Putin Laughs at Weak Threats From Wussies In Obama Administration
Vladimir Putin knows Obama, and Putin knows that Obama’s threats are hollow and weak. This is why Putin continues laughing in the face of Obama and the Democrats, calling Obama a ‘Prankster’. Putin knows the people in the Obama administration are too big of pussies to do anything at all to hurt them.
Obama is the weakest US President in the history of the United States, and Putin knows that Obama may have his people say things that sound tough, but in reality Obama can’t and won’t do a damn thing, other than saying a few Russian officials would be barred from traveling to the United States. Oh No Obama, Not THAT!! The Russians are sure to give in to the brainless Democrats if you threaten them with not being allowed into the United States. Yea Right!
Even Republican Wussy John McCain thinks that Obama looks weak, and if McCain says you are weak, then you definitely have a problem!
“I don’t know how it could have been weaker …
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