Obamacare Will Charge Hidden “Abortion Fee” to Pay For 111,500 Abortions Per Year With Secret Abortion “Slush Fund”

Everyday we hear of all sorts of new problems just being learned about Obamacare. 5 more large businesses announce everyday that they will be laying off people, or lowering employee work hours due to Obamacare, People are losing their healthcare plans and access to their own doctors, and now we learn that Obamacare will be charging a secret and hidden Abortion Fee that will feed an “Abortion Slush Fund” to be used to provide abortions.

So once again, Obama, the Clueless Black Caucasian Liberal, wants to make everyone pay for abortions for tramps that can’t keep their panties up and legs shut, and just want to keep murdering hundreds of thousands of babies on the taxpayer’s dime.

Today, 72 congressmen sent a letter to House Speaker Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio) urging him to insert language ending abortion funding and religious discrimination in Obamacare into any funding or debt ceiling legislation.

“[T]he Obama administration has committed unprecedented attacks against the unborn and the religious freedom guaranteed in the Constitution, all under the guise of ‘access to health care,'” the letter tells

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Sick Obama eCard: Mom can I borrow $18,000 to help pay for my birth control?

Liberal sluts like Sandra Fluke want us to pay for their birth control. We say "Pay for your own damn birth control"

Liberal sluts like Sandra Fluke want us to pay for their birth control. We say “Pay for your own damn birth control”

Liberal sluts like Sandra Fluke want us to pay for their birth control. We say “Pay for your own damn birth control”

Nobody is trying to take away a woman’s choice, but the American People need to be afforded a choice as well whether we want to be stuck paying the bills for some nasty skank.

“Mitt Romney says he would repeal the Affordable Care Act. So here’s a quick question: Can I borrow $18,000 to help pay for my birth control? Thanks!”

This is laughable!

Sick Obama eCard: Mom can I borrow $18,000 to help pay for my birth control?

Sick Obama eCard: Mom can I borrow $18,000 to help pay for my birth control?

Another idea is for these tramps to just keep your legs closed, and they won’t need birth control.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org

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