Corrupt EEOC Federal Agency Files Lawsuit Against Wisconsin Company for Requiring that Employees Speak English At Work

Corrupt EEOC Federal Agency Files Lawsuit Against Wisconsin Company for Requiring that Employees Speak English At Work
The corrupt Obama administration has now set it’s sights towards targeting private businesses that require their employees to speak English, wrongly saying that making someone speak English is “discrimination”, and violates federal law.
A company should have the right to determine what language their employees need to use while conducting official business for the company, and any attempt to say that this breaks the law is just more degrading of American’s rights by the Obama administration, which cares more for the rights of illegal immigrants who broke the laws of our nation to enter the US illegally, than say the life of an unborn American and other true American citizens.
The criminals in the Obama administration had already been attacking businesses for trying to protect their employees and customers by running background and criminal checks, but the liberal Culture of Corruption running the Democrat Party call that “discrimination” as well. So after the next workplace shooting, we can all blame Obama and his …
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