Clueless Blacks Re-Elect Their Democrat Slave Masters Back into Power – For Free Handouts
Democrats have done a great job of pulling the wool over the eyes of the brain-dead blacks who voted, once again, to keep their Democrat (Union) Slave Masters in power.
Why would ANY Black people vote to re-elect the party who fought to keep them in slavery?
It could be Stockholm syndrome, a psychological disorder that causes hostages to express empathy and sympathy towards their slave masters.
OR, more likely, the true reason why blacks vote for Democrats – The party of Slavery – is because many blacks are too fucking clueless to see what is going on, or blinded by the free handouts from their Democrat Slave Masters, used to keep them from getting unruly, and revolting against their modern-day slave masters – The Democrat Party of Slave Masters.
Democrats have once again put most of the black population back into Modern-Day Slavery by using free handouts. Now, the only thing these…...Continue Reading Clueless Blacks Re-Elect Their Democrat Slave Masters Back into Power – For Free Handouts