Obama Administration Knew of Danger From ISIS Islamic Terrorist Group in 2012 But Did Nothing
Wow! The Ultra inept and corrupt Obama administration knew full well, as far back as 2012, that the ISIS group of terrorists was gaining power, and had knowledge that the terrorist group was planning attacks in Iraq, including waves of suicide bombers.
Now the ISIS terrorists have basically taken over half of the Mid East, killing thousands of innocent civilians, and Obama feigns shock and outrage. The world’s real outrage should be directed at Obama and the idiots he surrounds himself with, because they could have done something to stop the violent ISIS takeover of the Mid East before it was too late.

ISIS terrorists have basically taken over half of the Mid East, killing thousands of innocent civilians
Obama also said “If a J.V. team puts on Lakers’ uniforms that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant”. Team Obama …
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