Government Motors (GM) CEO Says GM Will Not Repay $10 Billion in Public Bailout Loan

Government Motors (GM) CEO Says GM Will Not Repay $10 Billion in Public Bailout Loan

Government Motors (GM) CEO Says GM Will Not Repay $10 Billion in Public Bailout Loan

The ultra-corrupt Obama cronies at GM took our money to save their asses, but now say that they will not be paying back the $10 Billion in public taxpayer money that the Obama administration used to bail out the failing turd of a auto company, as well as all of his other friends and supporters.

I would not doubt for a second that Obama himself told the GM executives not to re-pay the American People’s $10 Billion loan, because that $10 Billion was really just another free multi-billion dollar Obama handout of taxpayer money to his friends and supporters. Similar to all of the wasteful”Green Energy” spending by Obama, the GM bailout was just another gift, at the expense of The American People.

GM need to pay the American People back the $10 Billion that they are owed!

Government Motors sucks ass anyway, and won’t be around in another 10 years, unless another dumb-ass Democrat president gives GM another taxpayer funded gift! I have even …

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Planned Parenthood Knew About Horrific Gosnell Abortion Crimes – But Did Nothing

The crimes of Abortion “doctor” Kermit Gosnell have been uncovered, and the details are as sick and criminal as they get.

Planned Parenthood Helps Dirty Liberal Whores Murder Their Babies-own-baby-thanks-planned-parenthood

This piece of shit baby murderer is accused of actually murdering babies by snipping the base of their skull and spinal cord with a pair of scissors, and then cutting off the baby’s tiny feet and storing them in jars, like some kind of sick serial baby killer trophies.

Now we learn that Planned Parenthood actually knew about the crimes of Gosnell, the Baby Killer, but did nothing, and told nobody about the horrendous crimes which should land the “doctor” in jail for the rest of his life. or better yet, they should snip Kermit Gosnell’s spinal cord with a pair of scissors, and then wait and see if they think this is a crime or not.

Planned Parenthood should not receive another penny of taxpayer money, and if our nation weren’t run by a bunch of baby killers, the baby killing “doctor” would never again see the light of day.

According to his schedule, President Obama will take

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Obama Administration Ignored Solyndra “Severe Liquidity Crisis” Warning – Knew Company Would Fail

The corrupt and brain-dead Obama administration were forewarned by an Office of Management and Budget program manager that Solyndra had a “severe liquidity crisis”, but Jack Lew did nothing to block the Department of Energy from restructuring their loan.

Obama Administration Ignored Solyndra “Severe Liquidity Crisis” Warning - Knew Company Would Fail

Obama Administration Ignored Solyndra “Severe Liquidity Crisis” Warning – Knew Company Would Fail

Jack Lew personally allowed US Taxpayers to lose $ billions of taxpayer money, and now Jack Lew is Obama’s White House chief of staff. More lies and crony capitalism, and corruption from team Obama.

Who else thinks that the Obama administration knew that Solyndra was going to fail before the initial loan was ever handed out?
We believe 100% that the Obama administration allowed much of the wasteful spending to happen as a shady way to allow Obama to keep lining his friends and supporter’s pockets with taxpayer money.

A top White House adviser received clear notice that solar panel maker Solyndra Inc. faced a “severe liquidity crisis” even before a controversial restructuring allowing investors to recoup money from the now-bankrupt company before taxpayers, documents released Thursday show.

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Obama Picks Yet Another Obama Green Energy Failure – Additional $20 Million Wasted by Obama Crony Capitalism

Obama Picks Yet Another Green Energy Failure - Additional $20 Million Wasted by Obama Crony Capitalism

Obama Picks Yet Another Green Energy Failure – Additional $20 Million Wasted by Obama Crony Capitalism

Obama has a horrible track record on the green energy companies that he gives taxpayer money to, and yet another one of Obama’s green energy pet companies, Amonix solar manufacturing plant in North Las Vegas, who received more than $20 million in federal tax credits and grants, has now closed it’s new one year old plant.

Obama wants you to believe that he had your interest in mind when he gave these wasteful loans totaling $ billions in lost taxpayer money, but the truth is that Obama only gave money to his friends and supporters. Obama didn’t care if the money was lost, or even if the companies survived. In fact I think that Obama wanted these companies to fail, and mostly gave to failing liberal-owned firms. The whole reason for the billions in wasted money that Obama threw down the toilet is to set his administration up to receive all of the paybacks.

The Amonix solar manufacturing plant in North Las Vegas, subsidized

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“Not Even Half” Solyndra Video Highlights Obama’s Complete Financial Failure & Incompetence

Watch this great video “Not Even Half”, which tells the truth about Obama and Solyndra!

President Obama has given billions of taxpayer dollars to companies that later failed—many of them were run by Democrat donors.
This is just another example of President Obama’s pattern of picking winners and losers and wasting taxpayer money.

Unfortunately YouTube has removed these videos from their platform to hide the truth from the American People. Another coverup with the help of Google/YouTube.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –

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Obama Has Driven U.S. Off Financial Cliff – Wasting $ Trillions of Taxpayer Money

Obama likes attacking Mitt Romney for his time at Bain Capital – a company that has saved or created far more jobs than the Obama administration – yet Obama’s record in the financial field is the worst of anyone we have ever seen! Obama has wasted $ Trillions of taxpayer money to pay off his friends and supporters, and to help buy the next election.

Lets look at just a few of Obama’s Financial Failures.

  • Obama gave Raser Technologies $33 million taxpayer-funded grant while the company still owes $1.5 million in back taxes
  • Obama gave ECOtality – a failing company – $126.2 million in taxpayer money – Now tells Obama administration “We may not achieve or sustain profitability on a quarterly or annual basis in the future.”
  • Obama gave Nevada Geothermal Power a $98.5 million taxpayer loan guarantee – Now reports ‘significant doubt about the company’s ability to continue”
  • Obama gave First Solar $3 billion in loan guarantees – Company has racked up $401 million in restructuring costs, and has fired 30 percent of its workforce.
  • Obama gave Abound Solar,

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Corrupt HHS Gives Obama’s Best Friend & Golf Buddy $5.9 Million Grant

Ultra Corrupt HHS Gives Obama's Best Friend & Golf Buddy $5.9 Million Grant - Claims White House not involved.. Yea, Right!!

Ultra Corrupt HHS Gives Obama's Best Friend & Golf Buddy $5.9 Million Grant - Claims White House not involved.. Yea, Right!!

Eric Whitaker, one of President Obama’s closest friends, who plays golf and basketball with Mr. Obama, and also takes vacations with the Obamas, has been given a $5.9 million grant by the ultra-corrupt Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which is headed up by the equally Corrupt HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.

The idiots at the HHS say that the White House was not “in any way” involved in the decision to hand over close to $6 Billion of taxpayer money, but we very seriously doubt that unbelievable claim, which will most likely turn out to be just another one of the thousands of typical Obama lies told to the American People by the Obama administration.

The people of the United States MUST to start seeing the Obama administration and their cronies for what they are – A strong-handed, hypocritical, corrupt administration, whose crime and corruption has migrated through every level and office held by Democrats in our government. …

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RNC Seeks Probe of Obama’s “Misuse” of Government Funds on Reelection Campaign Travel

RNC Seeks Probe into Obama's "Misuse" of Government Funds on Reelection Campaign Travel

RNC Seeks Probe into Obama's "Misuse" of Government Funds on Reelection Campaign Travel

The RNC is seeking a probe into Obama’s obvious misuse and abuse of his power, by making the U.S. Taxpayer pay for his campaign trips to battlefield states that would be critical for his reelection. Obama hasn’t really stopped campaigning though since he took office, so the amount of money the Obama administration has illegally swiped from the American People could be very large!

As with paying their fair share of taxes and everything else, the Democrats feel that they are “above the law” and can do anything they want. If they want to skip paying their taxes, they will be able to get away with it for a while, and once caught, the corrupt Democrats will weasel their way out of being held accountable. This Democrat deception is also greatly helped along by the corrupt Obama-swooning media, who without question or guilt, will cover for the misdeeds of the Obama administration.

The Republican National Committee is asking the Government Accountability Office to examine President Obama’s “misuse”

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