Weiner’s Corrupt Wife Huma Abedin Didn’t Disclose Income Earned While Serving in State Dept.

Weiner's Corrupt Wife Didn’t Disclose Income Earned While Serving in State Dept.

Weiner’s Corrupt Wife Didn’t Disclose Income Earned While Serving in State Dept.

So not only is Anthony Weiner a stupid cheating loser, his wife seems to be a criminal who has not disclosed all of the money that she made in 2012, after a shady working arrangement made with Hillary Clinton.

Weiner Boy released a copy of their 2012 tax return, showing that the couple made more than $490,000 in 2012, but Weiner Boy would not speak about how much his wife had made of that $490,000.

Why wouldn’t Weiner Boy give any info about his wife’s income? The answer is because they are hiding things that would cause problems for Weiner Boy’s run for NY Mayor, and also his wife could probably be sent to prison for tax evasion. if we knew the truth.

The State Department, under Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton, created an arrangement for her longtime aide and confidante Huma Abedin to work for private clients as a consultant while serving as a top adviser in the department.

Ms. Abedin did not disclose the arrangement — or

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To Drop Out Of Buffett Rule Tax Backet The Obamas Hid Away $48,000 Tax Free For Daughters

To Drop Out Of Buffett Rule Tax Backet The Obamas Hid Away $48,000 Tax Free For Daughters

To Drop Out Of Buffett Rule Tax Backet The Obamas Hid Away $48,000 Tax Free For Daughters

Obama and his wife are the biggest two-faced hypocrites on the face of the earth!
Michelle Obama says that everyone should exercise and watch what they eat, except Michelle eats the worst out of them all, and just about everything she eats is fried!.

Obama says that we all must “pay our fair share” yet he and his wife have both given each of their daughters a $12,000 tax free gift, which totals $48,000.

What a scum sucking turd!

President Obama and his wife, Michele, gave a total of $48,000 in tax-free gifts to their daughters, according to tax records made public on Friday.

The president and his wife separately gave each daughter a $12,000 gift under a section of the federal tax code that exempts such donations from federal taxes.

There is nothing illegal about the president’s taking advantage of this tax shelter, but it does raise eyebrows given that he has lamented the myriad tax exemptions used by the wealthy—“millionaires and

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