Talentless Liberal Nutjob Ben Affleck Says He Has Hard Time Watching Movies with Republican Actors – Boycott Ben Affleck

Talentless Liberal Nutjob Ben Affleck Says He Has Hard Time Watching Movies with Republican Actors – Boycott Ben Affleck
“You can bifurcate your audience. When I watch a guy I know is a big Republican, part of me thinks, I probably wouldn’t like this person if I met him, or we would have different opinions. That sh-t fogs the mind when you should be paying attention and be swept into the illusion.” – Talentless Liberal Nutjob Ben Affleck
Well, I guess since the talentless liberal nutjob, Ben Affleck, takes his political views into consideration when picking his entertainment, we should also.
We are calling on all conservatives to start boycotting everything that Stupid Liberal Nutjob Ben Affleck does. Do not give the liberal piece of shit another dime of your hard-earned money.
Personally, I haven’t gone to see anything that the talentless liberal jackass Ben Affleck, or his butt-budy Matt Damon, have done in years, and this seals the …
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