Obama’s Untrustworthy National Security Adviser Scuzzball Susan Rice Casts Her Doubt on Benghazi Scandal Probe
Obama’s untrustworthy National Security Adviser, Susan Rice, says that she “isn’t aware” of anything other Benghazi information that the Obama administration has been hiding.

Obama’s Untrustworthy National Security Adviser Scuzzball Susan Rice Casts Her Doubt on Benghazi Scandal Probe
Susan Rice is about as trustworthy as Hitler with a group of Jews or Bernie Madoff with your retirement funds though. The lying skank, Susan Rice, will say anything to cover up her lies, and conceal the deadly crimes of her bosses, which make Watergate look like inconsequential child’s play.
“Because what is lost in all of this discussion about Sunday shows and talking points is that we lost four brave Americans on that day, and their families and those of us who work with them continue to grieve, and the last thing we need to do is to lose any more. The security and safety of American personnel is absolutely the top priority of the president, of the administration, and ought to be of Congress. – Obama’s personal Liar & National Security Adviser Susan Rice
The only people who “lost” …
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