Hypocrite Democrats’ Push For “Equal Pay” Except Most Democrats Have No Women as Top Aides

Stupid Hypocritical Democrats like Chuck Schumer and Harry Reid are out there talking out their asses about what they will do to help women get equal pay, except the same corrupt liberal dumb-asses apparently don’t practice what they preach an don’t even have any women top aides on their own staffs.

Hypocrite Democrats' Push For “Equal Pay" Except Most Democrats Have No Women as Top Aides

Hypocrite Democrats’ Push For “Equal Pay” Except Most Democrats Have No Women as Top Aides

“It’s a bit ironic that the male-dominated Senate Democrat leadership communications staff is trying to tell American women what they need to get ahead in the workplace.” – A Female Senate Republican Aide

“It is unlikely that the president will mention that his White House paid women an average 12 percent less than men on staff in 2013, according to an analysis by American Enterprise Institute.”

On the flip-side, Republicans leadership already has women as top aides on their staff, including female chiefs of staff, who make more than all others.
Republican Mitch McConnell has Sharon Soderstrom as his chief of staff and John Cornyn has Beth Jafari as his chief of staff.

So …

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