Ferguson Cop Shooter Jeffrey Williams Is Friends With Criminal Liar Dorian Johnson – Both Belong in Prison
Jeffrey Williams, the dumb fuck Ferguson Police protester who confessed to shooting the two police officers outside the Ferguson Police department, is actually friends with Dorian Johnson, the piece of shit criminal liar friend of Mike Brown, who told everyone the fake account of Mike Brown’s hands being up. Two criminal thug friends who belong in prison cells.

Ferguson Cop Shooter Jeffrey Williams Is Friends With Criminal Liar Dorian Johnson – Both Belong in Prison
Dorian Johnson, the criminal wannabe thug involved in the strong-arm robbery of the liquor store with Mike Brown, just minutes before he attacked Officer Darren Wilson and was ultimately killed, single-handedly caused the violence and destruction we have seen in Ferguson with his lies.
Dumb asses, like Bishop Derrick Robinson, and people involved in the Ferguson Black Lives Matter (joke) movement, will continue making excuses for criminals, as long as they are black.
“He hasn’t protested, he wasn’t actually a protester, he was actually coming out to support one night and just kind of being there to support the people.”
OK dumbass.. He wasn’t a …
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