Democrat War on Religion – High School Student Suspended from School for Saying “Bless You” to a Classmate Who Sneezed

Democrat War on Religion – High School Student Suspended from School for Saying “Bless You” to a Classmate Who Sneezed
A high school senior at Dyer County High School has been suspended for saying “bless you” to a classmate who sneezed. Of course the teacher’s name has been withheld, because they know she is in the wrong.
The piece of crap Dyer County High School teacher told her student “we’re not going to have godly speaking in my class” and the girl ended up having to serve out the day in in-school suspension.
This is part of the Democrat’s “War on Religion”, and when will Christians and other religious people stand up for their rights?
The “Separation of Church & State” does not mean that religious people have to give up their freedom of religion. It also doesn’t mean that people can’t exercise their religious rights anywhere they choose to do so. The “Separation of Church & State” only means that the US government cannot endorse one religion, or have any say in what religion you do practice, if any. …
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