Obama Gave Solyndra Shareholders and Executives $500 Million “Thank You” For Donations
The more that we learn about the Solyndra Scandal, the more it looks like Obama used our money to repay some of his major contributors, who were the shareholders and executives of the company who received a $500 million loan shortly before filing for bankruptcy.
POOF!!! Another half a billion dollars obviously misused and wasted by the most corrupt administration in the history of our nation.
We know that the badly failed Obama stimulus was just a veiled “Thank You” payout to the unions, in hopes that a good chunk of that money would flow back into the Democrat coffers, in the form of campaign contributions, (basically, political money laundering) but how many more Solyndras are out there?
…A solar energy company that intends to file for bankruptcy received $535 million in backing from the federal government and has a cozy history with Democrats and the Obama administration, campaign finance records show.
Shareholders and executives of Solyndra, a green energy company producing solar panels, fundraised for and donated to the Obama administration to the tune of hundreds of thousands of
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