A U.S. appeals court for the 11th Circuit ruled today that Obama’s Socialized Healthcare law, (now re-branded by the corrupt Democrats as the “Affordable Care Act” to try and trick people into thinking it’s not the same thing as Obamacare) which forces people to purchase a service against their will, or else face a penalty, was unconstitutional.
Obama and the corrupt, brain-dead, socialists that run the Democrat party have not given up, and again said that “Today’s ruling is one of many decisions on the Affordable Care Act that we will see in the weeks and months ahead. In the end, we are confident the Act will ultimately be upheld as constitutional”.
We doubt it, unless the liberal jackasses in the 9th District are the ones to make the ruling..
President Barack Obama’s healthcare law suffered a setback Friday when a U.S. appeals court ruled that it was unconstitutional to require all Americans to buy insurance or face a penalty.
The Appeals Court for the 11th Circuit, based in Atlanta, found that Congress exceeded its authority by requiring Americans to