Race Baiters Sharpton & Jackson Slither Into St Louis to Spread Racism & Violence
It didn’t take long for the top slime-ball race-baiters in the country, Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson, to climb out from their holes, and make their way to St Louis where they can act relevant, while they spread their hate, racism, and veiled calls for violence.
As usual, these two irrelevant race baiting agitators have started fanning the flames of racial tension in Ferguson as soon as they arrived, playing the race card before anyone knows any of the real facts of the case.
Sharpton calls for calm in one sentence and then fans the flames of the racist element with the next, and Jessie Jackson even called the killing of Michael Brown by a Ferguson Police officer a “State Execution” when he doesn’t know shit about what really happened. All he and the other race-baiters thinks they know came from the mouth of another thug criminal liar, Dorian Johnson, who actually robbed the liquor store with Michael Brown.
Nobody in St Louis wants the polarizing racists Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson in our city. Even the Ferguson Mayor, James …
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