Limbaugh Correct – Tweeting With #BringBackOurGirls Won’t Help the Boko Haram Kidnapping Hillary Clinton Caused
Rush Limbaugh is correct when he questions the results that will come (or not come) from the Twitter hashtag campaign, #BringBackOurGirls.

Limbaugh Correct – Tweeting With #BringBackOurGirls Won’t Help the Boko Haram Kidnapping Hillary Clinton Caused
These are terrorists in Africa, who don’t have power or Internet, and certainly don’t use twitter; but if they did, why the fuck would they care what Michelle Obama or Joe Schmoe says on Twitter about their crimes?
Do these people actually think that tweeting 160 characters using the hashtag #BringBackOurGirls will help the situation in any way, or cause the terrorists to change their minds and return the girls? If they do then they have problems.
If Hillary Clinton would have done her job properly, and labeled Boko Haram a terror group when she should have, instead of repeatedly resisting for political reasons, the girls may be safe and sound today, but unfortunately that is not what happened. Hillary Clinton allowed the Boko Haram terror group to fly under the radar for years, which is why Hillary Clinton is ultimately responsible for the …
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