Crazy Racist Serial Cop Killer Dorner is a Pro-Obama Anti-Gun Democrat

Just Another Smiling Liberal – Crazy Serial Cop Killer Christopher Dorner is a Pro-Obama Anti-Gun Democrat
Seems that most of the whack-jobs who have killed people on shooting sprees have been liberal Democrats, and Christopher Dorner is no different. This one just happens to be a crazy, racist Democrat.
…LOS ANGELES (AP) — Police launched a massive manhunt Thursday for a former Los Angeles officer suspected of killing a couple over the weekend and opening fire on four officers early Thursday, killing one and critically wounding another, authorities said.
The search for Christopher Dorner, who was fired from the Los Angeles Police Department in 2008 for making false statements, began after he was linked to the weekend killing in which one of the victims was the daughter of a former police captain who had represented him during those disciplinary proceedings.
Early Thursday, police came under fire in two separate shootings
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