More Dishonesty From ABC News – Misquotes James Holmes Mother for Ratings – Will Not Report True Colorado Theater Shooting Story

ABC News just cannot seem to tell the truth to it’s viewers! It seems that ABC News has lied again, this time about the conversation with Colorado theater shooting suspect James Holmes.
We are not sticking up for James Holmes, but the ABC version of the story just doesn’t make as much sense as Arlene Holmes story does.

More Dishonesty From ABC News  - Misquotes James Holmes Mother for Ratings - Will Not Report True Colorado Theater Shooting Story

More Dishonesty From ABC News – Misquotes James Holmes Mother for Ratings – Will Not Report True Colorado Theater Shooting Story

ABC News probably used all of Arlene Holmes’ words, but they placed them in a different order to try and increase the sensationalism of the quote, and of the article as a whole. (ABC badly needs the viewers/readers)

This is in the same article where Brian Ross lied about a connection between the Colorado theater shooting suspect James Holmes, and the Colorado Tea Party.
The complete hack Brian Ross later apologized, calling it a “mistake”, but we all know that this is the way that ABC operates. ABC News lies to it’s viewers all the time, and usually get away with …

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Modern Poverty Includes AC, Flat Screen TVs, DVD players, Gaming Systems

Take a look at the perks that the poor in our nation enjoy. (most of the people in poverty status do not pay any taxes, but seemingly rake in the perks, most likely due to free money given to them by the American People)

  • Over 65% have more than one TV
  • Over 63% have cable or satellite TV
  • Over 50% have a cellular phone

When Americans think of poverty, we tend to picture people who can’t adequately shelter, clothe, and feed themselves or their families.

When the Census Bureau defines “poverty,” though, it winds up painting more than 40 million Americans — one in seven — as “poor.”

Census officials continue to grossly exaggerate the numbers of the poor, creating a false picture in the public mind of widespread material deprivation, writes Heritage Foundation senior research fellow Robert Rector in a new paper.

“Most news stories on poverty feature homeless families, people living in crumbling shacks, or lines of the downtrodden eating in soup kitchens,” Rector says. “The actual living conditions of America’s poor are far different from these images.”

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