Brainless Senile Compulsive Liar Nancy Pelosi Doesn’t Remember Horrendous DNC Treatment of President George W. Bush
The brainless skank liar, Democrat Nancy Pelosi, doesn’t seem to remember the DNC’s horrendous treatment of President George W. Bush, and says that they never treated Bush bad, compared to how Obama is being treated.

Brainless Senile Compulsive Liar Nancy Pelosi Doesn’t Remember Horrendous DNC Treatment of President George W. Bush
Even if that was the truth, which it is definitely not, Bush was a good president, who tried to do the right thing to make our nation more safe, in the face of terrorists and increasing danger.
The Obama administration, on the other hand, is doing everything in his power to make the United States LESS secure, and even is taking steps to help terrorists secretly enter our country, and even live off the US Taxpayer while they plan their next attack.
Terrorist-friendly Team Obama has even made it easier to successfully attack our nation, and get away with it. And if the terrorists are ever caught, (never are by Obama) the Obama administration always tries to give the terrorists lawyers and hold any trials here in our civilian …
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