Ammogate: Inhofe Also Believes Obama Cronies Trying to ‘Dry Up’ U.S. Ammo Supply

There is no doubt about it. The corrupt and dangerous Obama administration has been trying to dry-up the U..S. ammo supply to keep legal gun owners from being able to purchase ammunition for their legally-owned guns.

“We’ve never had government trying to take that much control at the expense of the law-abiding citizens. And we’re not going to let it happen.” – Sen. James Inhofe

“Let’s make sure that your audience out there is aware, Aaron, that our president, Obama, has been doing everything he could to stop the private ownership of guns in America” – Sen. James Inhofe

Liberals feel that you don’t need guns, and since they are too weak to get new gun laws passed, instead of passing laws, the Obama administration ordered their criminal officials to go out and lock up all of the available ammunition, by means of large and unbreakable government contracts, thereby leaving no ammunition for anyone else, and enacting the Obama administration’s Back-Door Gun Control, and eventual revocation of the 2nd amendment.

On Aaron Klein’s weekend show on New York City’s WABC

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Obama Shoots Bald Eagle With AK47

OOPS! The original image is supposed to be of Obama skeet shooting on his 51st B-Day, but in reality, this was a staged photograph which aimed to show Obama as a friend to second amendment supporters.

Anti-American Obama shoots Bald Eagle with AK47

Anti-American Obama shoots Bald Eagle with AK47

Anyone who has actually shot skeet would tell you that he would be aimed up, instead of aiming straight ahead, if Obama actually was skeet shooting, which he wasn’t.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –

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Bloomberg Rejected Much National Guard Help Due to Guns – Instead Encourages Looting, Violence, Lawlessness

Bloomberg Rejected Much National Guard Help Due to Guns - Instead Encourages Looting, Violence, Lawlessness

Bloomberg Rejected Much National Guard Help Due to Guns – Instead Encourages Looting, Violence, Lawlessness

Brain-dead jackass New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg rejected the help of the National Guard, in the wake of Hurricane Sandy’s destruction.
Instead of getting people the help and protection they need, Bloomberg encouraged the looting, violence, suffering, and lawlessness that we have seen since in the weeks since the hurricane hit the area.

Other than the main storm destruction and flooding, Bloomberg can be blamed for most, if not all of the post-hurricane problems in NY.

Even the NY Marathon generators and supplies sit in a parking lot, not helping anyone, since Bloomberg caved to the pressure of holding the marathon, while many people who lived there still suffered, and couldn’t even find the basics of food and water to live on.

Democrats have no clue what they are doing when it comes to protecting our nation from threats, or cleaning up after disasters.
All Democrats know how to do is get a good Photo-Op out of the disaster, and they ignore everything else.


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Democrats Using Colorado Theater Shooting To Take Away Gun Rights

Democrats Using Colorado Theater Shooting To Take Away Gun Rights

Democrats Using Colorado Theater Shooting To Take Away Gun Rights

Any time there is a high-profile shooting in the US, the left comes after the Second Amendment with their torches and pitchforks, and Democrats are using the Colorado movie theater shooting for political movement to the far-left, and towards more gun control, as a way to keep cutting down our ability to exercise our 2nd Amendment Rights.

Other lefties are calling for our 2nd Amendment Rights to be taken away completely, and with Roberts on the Supreme Court, who knows if we will have the legal right to keep and bear arms in the near future.

author Salman Rushdie tweeted this morning, “The ‘right to bear arms’ is the real Bane of America.”

Throughout the day Rushdie has remained active on his Twitter account, revisiting his commentary on the 1999 Columbine school shootings, “After Columbine I was on Bill Maher’s old show arguing vs NRA’s Ted Nugent about gun control. Lots of Nugents on my timeline today.” and replying and retweeting roughly a dozen of his 340,302 followers comments.


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