Dem Legislator Lucy Flores Doesn’t Regret Abortion at Age 16 – Had 6 Pregnant Teen Sisters

Abortion-Queen-Democrat-Lucy-FloresWhat a total winner!!

While sticking up for Planned Parenthood, a company that helps kill more Americans every year with abortions than guns, cigarettes, and drunk diving accidents COMBINED, Lucy Flores, a scum-bucket Democrat Assemblywoman, says that she is not sorry that she had an abortion when she was 16 because the pregnancy may have hindered her career.

“I had six other sisters, all of them became pregnant in their teens – all of them… I wanted to do better and I knew I couldn’t do that if I had a baby”

The completely nasty skank, Lucy Flores, went on to say that all of her 6 sisters had become pregnant as teenagers as well.
I wonder how many of her sisters murdered their baby as well? This piece of trash must have had great parents, wouldn’t you think?
Lucy Flores’ Mom was probably doing tricks and shooting heroin, instead of raising her 7 pregnant teen daughters.


A Democratic state legislator in Nevada asserted that she is not sorry she had an abortion when she was 16 years old, implying

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