Salt Lake City School District Throws Out Student’s Lunches Over Unpaid Lunch Bill – After Lunches Were Already Served

Salt Lake City School District Throws Out Student’s Lunches Over Unpaid Lunch Bill – After Lunches Were Already Served
WOW!! Talk about stupid! They must have some real brainiacs working at the Salt Lake City School District! It must be a bunch of liberals running the Salt Lake City School District.
Who, other than a liberal, would think cafeteria servers are doing ANYONE a favor by taking a $3 lunch from a kid and throw it in the trash, and then turn around and give the same kids fruit and milk, probably costing the Salt Lake City School District a couple more dollars?
Instead of the school only losing a little money on the meal that the dumb asses threw in the trash, now they has to spend additional money to provide the fruit and milk. Whoever made the decision that this was the best way of handling the delinquent payments owed for previous lunches should be fired.
On top of the waste by the Salt Lake City School District, the students who had their lunch taken away from them …
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