Out of Touch Obama Admin Stuck on Big Bird & Elmo – Forgets Own Libya, Foreign Policy, Economy Failures
Since having his ass handed to him on a plate during the 1st presidential debate, Obama has not been able to stop talking about Big Bird and Elmo, but has not even mentioned Libya or the economy.
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Since the first debate, Obama has talked about Big Bird 8 times, and Elmo 5 times.
In the same period of time, Obama has spoken 0 (zero) times about the his administration’s failures in about Libya or the economy.
We need a new president who doesn’t have his head stuck so far up some imaginary bird’s ass that he can’t see the problems his own inept foreign policies have caused throughout the world.
…At the same time Team Obama released a childish ad hitting Mitt Romney for daring to consider removing multimillionaire, one-percenter Big Bird from the federal government welfare rolls, the Romney campaign released a devastating graphic that shows that since his debate debacle, Barack Obama has mention Big Bird and Elmo 13 times but
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