Newly-Opened NC Barbecue Restaurant Posts “No Guns” Sign Shortly Before Being Robbed at Gunpoint

A North Carolina restaurant, “The Pit Authentic Barbecue” in Durham posted a sign that said “No Weapons, No Concealed Firearms”, and then was promptly was robbed at gunpoint by 3 masked men who entered the restaurant through the back door.

During the robbery the armed criminals assaulted two employees and forced everyone else to the floor.

Gun-control nutjobs don’t want you to know, but this is happening all over the country because posting “No Guns” signs make people much less safe than having no sign at all.

Places that put up signs saying “No Guns” are getting robbed because the armed criminals can be pretty sure that a restaurant with no guns will be an easy target they can rob without much fear of being stopped.

A Durham, North Carolina restaurant with a sign on its front door reading, “No Weapons, No Concealed Firearms,” was robbed at gunpoint on May 19. published a photograph of the sign on May 21, making “The Pit” restaurant a self-declared gun free zone–the same kind of zone Michael Bloomberg and Moms Demand Action

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