Fake Conservative House Republicans Fail to Produce on Promises

We have known for some time that many of the Republicans in the House and Senate are not true conservatives, and actually seem to be more in line with the Democrat Culture of Corruption.

Fake Conservative House Republicans Fail to Produce on Promises

Fake Conservative House Republicans Fail to Produce on Promises

Take the fake conservative wussy John McCain for example, who now says that he will fight for amnesty until the day he dies.

“I will never ever, while I’m alive and breathing as U.S. Senator, stop working to pass immigration reform” – Fake Republican Wussy John McCain

Don’t worry though. I have a good feeling that Mr. McCain will not be a US Senator for very much longer, as voters are fed up with him and are likely to remove McCain from office in the next election.

We need to replace the current fake conservative House “Republican leadership” with true conservatives who will keep their word, and who will work towards conservative concerns.

When House Republicans penned their Pledge to America in 2010, they convinced American voters they would advance a conservative agenda if they regained control

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