Braindead & Racist Democrat Liars at Northeastern Illinois University Try Rewriting History – Claim Republican Abraham Lincoln was Democrat
It’s no wonder why racist and braindead and racist Democrats at Northeastern Illinois University would want to re-write history, and try making Abraham Lincoln a Democrat in their wet dream of a lie.

Braindead & Racist Democrat Liars Try Rewriting History – Claim Republican Abraham Lincoln was Democrat
Democrats want to be able to claim that they were the party that put an end to slavery, instead of true history, where the Democrats are the racist slave drivers, who fought the Civil War to try and keep Black People in chains.
Why would Democrats want to stick with the unfortunate truth that the Democrat Party started the KKK, and Democrats were the criminals violently attacking and killing Black People in the past, when they can just as easily lie to the People, and hope that their lie sticks.. Hell, it has worked over and over for corrupt Democrats, and with the corrupt liberal media’s help, it could work again.
So Abraham Lincoln was a Democrat? Hell No! Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, ended slavery, and then the Democrats killed him for …
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