Brainless Obama DOJ Will Undoubtedly Allow More Terrorist Attacks Against America – Won’t Profile To Save American Lives

Brainless Obama DOJ Will Undoubtedly Allow More Terrorist Attacks Against America – Won’t Profile To Save American Lives
The brain-dead jackasses in Obama’s Department of Justice won’t consider religion, national origin, or gender/sexual orientation when trying to determine who is a dangerous criminal, and who is not, but they will spy on every aspect of an innocent American’s personal and private lives, with no reason whatsoever.
This is typical brainless action by Obama and his cronies, whether at the DOJ, NSA, IRS, or any of the other corrupt organizations that continue abusing the rights of Americans.
Actually, when you do some research into the terrorist attacks on our soil since Obama took office, you’ll quickly see that Obama’s brainless national security people have not stopped even one terrorist attack against America and our people. The only reason why there have not been many thousand more dead Americans at the hands of terrorists is because the terrorists don’t know how to make bombs. …
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