FEC Catches Corrupt Jackass Democrat Harry Reid Misappropriating $17,000 Campaign Funds as Gifts For Granddaughter

FEC Catches Corrupt Jackass Democrat Harry Reid Misappropriating $17,000 Campaign Funds as Gifts For Granddaughter
This makes us wonder what other campaign funds Harry Reid has misused, and how much other dirty money was funneled to Ried’s friends and family over his 31+ year political career? Our guess is that Harry Reid has abused his positions in the house and senate for most of his career, and it is safe to say that hundreds of thousands of taxpayer money has been stolen in one way or another by the criminally-corrupt Harry Reid.
…Forced by the Federal Election Commission to explain where $17,000 from his campaign went, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid acknowledged giving the money to his granddaughter for “holiday gifts” in late 2013, and finally reimbursed
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