French Wussies Play Fight In Retaliation Against Muslim Terrorists After Charlie Hebdo Attack – Throw Fake Grenades, Break Mosque Windows

French Wussies Play Fight with Terrorists In Retaliation Against Muslim Terrorists After Charlie Hebdo Attack – Throw Fake Grenades, Break Mosque Windows
The people in France have started fighting back against the violent Muslim terrorists who have taken over the country.
Unfortunately, the French people are such weak pussies that they threw a couple fake granades and fired a few bullets, breaking some windows, but didn’t even harm one terrorists in the process.
France has transformed from a European paradise into into a dank and dangerous Muslim stronghold, and there is little that the French people will do about it.
The French people are just a bunch of liberal anti-gun pussies who might think they still have a chance to save their country, but in reality it’s probably already Game Over. The French people most likely lost their country to the Muslim Terrorists a long time ago because liberals are too weak to stand up to the Muslim terrorists who have taken over France.
Now maybe, if the French people grew a pair of balls, and actually fought fight back, …
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