Corrupt Piece of Shit Racist Criminal Charlie Rangel Says Calling Tea Party Patriots “White Crackers” Is Term of Endearment

The tax evading racist piece of shit criminal, Charlie Rangel, who was also censured by Congress for his corruption, compares the Tea Party Patriots to racist Democrats in the old South, who fought, and still fight to this day to keep black people as slaves, and says that calling white people “white crackers” is a term of endearment.

Corrupt Piece of Shit Racist Criminal Charlie Rangel Says Calling Tea Party Patriots "White Crackers" Is Term of Endearment

Corrupt Piece of Shit Racist Criminal Charlie Rangel Says Calling Tea Party Patriots “White Crackers” Is Term of Endearment

Either Charlie Rangel has less backbone and smarts than a bowl or wet oatmeal, or he is a liar. Personally, I feel it is both.

If Charlie Rangel wasn’t so obviously a corrupt criminal, his complete stupidity would almost be comical.

The Democrat’s lie of racist conservatives definitely is laughable though, especially when any true history book will show that it was the Democrats who fought for the Confederates in order to keep blacks in chains as slaves, and it was also Democrats who started the Ku Klux Klan, and it was Democrats who used the KKK to go around terrorizing and killing …

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Brain-Dead & Ultra Corrupt “Tax Cheat” Charlie Rangel Accuses Romney of Not Paying Fair Share

Brain-Dead & Ultra Corrupt Tax Cheat Charlie Rangel Accuses Romney of Not Paying Fair Share

Brain-Dead & Ultra Corrupt Tax Cheat Charlie Rangel Accuses Romney of Not Paying Fair Share

One of the most corrupt members of our government, Charlie Rangel, who has been caught up in tax evasion and ethics violations for most of his time in Congress, laughingly accused Mitt Romney of not paying his fair share.

Isn’t that the corrupt pot calling the kettle black?

Charlie Rangel’s balls must be the size of VW Bugs for trying to make such a stupid accusation, and we know that if Charlie Rangel was a Republican he would probably be sitting in a prison cell right now, but equally corrupt Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the Democrat Culture of Corruption will not hold their own members accountable for their crimes.

Charlie Rangel is a corrupt tax cheat who is far more adept at stealing from the American People than giving, and I would bet a full year’s salary that Mitt Romney paid more taxes, and gave more to charity in the last 10 years, than Corrupt Tax Cheat Charlie Rangel.

Following the controversy surrounding

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