Liberal Slime-Ball Billionaire Warren Buffett Gave 1.2 Billion to Abortion Organizations

The “Oracle of Baby Murder”, crotchety liberal billionaire slime-ball Warren Buffett has given 1.2 billion to abortion groups since 2001, including $289,811,421 to Planned Parenthood, which has contributed to the murder of around 2.7 million children.

Liberal Slime-Ball Billionaire Warren Buffett Gave 1.2 Billion to Abortion Organizations

Liberal Slime-Ball Billionaire Warren Buffett Gave 1.2 Billion to Abortion Organizations

Piece of crap liar Harry Reid can squawk all day about his concocted connections between the Koch Brothers and everything from poverty to global warming, and yet we have a real connection between slime-ball liberal billionaire Warren Buffett and the murder of millions of innocent babies, as well as many other horrible things, and the media will keep it silent.

May 13, 2014, marks one year since Philadelphia abortion Dr. Kermit Gosnell was convicted of first-degree murder “in the deaths of three babies who were delivered alive and then killed with scissors at his grimy, ‘house of horrors’ clinic,” according to the Associated Press. Gosnell instantly became the face of abortion in the prolife community.

But there’s another, more recognizable face pushing abortion in the U.S. – liberal billionaire Warren Buffett. The so-called

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