Stupid Fat Liberal Piece of Trash Mike Dickinson Says Those Against Murdering Babies Have “Mental Disability”
It’s laughable to see such a stupid, fat, bald, piece of shit liberal, like Mike Dickinson, say that conservatives have a “mental disability” because we are mostly against murdering your babies.

Stupid Fat bald Liberal Piece of Trash Mike Dickinson Says Those Against Murdering Babies Have “Mental Disability”
“Anti choice, abortion haters are all basically mentally disabled. They cannot see or reason. It’s all bible thumping,” – Stupid liberal piece of shit Mike Dickinson
I think it’s the complete opposite. Anyone who could murder their own baby by having it’s spinal corn snipped, and have their own baby’s brain scrambled and sucked out of it’s skull with a vacuum is the real mentally disabled person.
Here are a few tweets from the psychotic liberal fatass piece of shit, Mike Dickinson. (Mike Dickinson probably worships the Devil?)
Mike Dickinson doesn’t really need to worry about people who wish to keep their …
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