America Doomed: Overrun by Brain Dead Dumb Fucks!

America is COMPLETELY Fucked!

America Doomed: Overrun by Brain Dead Dumb Fucks! Anyone who voted to re-elect Obama can go fuck yourself!

America Doomed: Overrun by Brain Dead Dumb Fucks! Anyone who voted to re-elect Obama can go fuck yourself!

The United States is overrun by stupid, brain-dead dumb fuck liberals who have their heads stuck so far up Obama’s ass that Obama needs a proctologist to get them out.
I hope all of their businesses fail, and they end up on Obama’s Welfare and Food Stamp roles.

Fuck everyone who voted to re-elect the worst president in US History!

It just goes to show that you should never underestimate the power of stupid liberals in large groups.
They are like sheep, following each other off the cliff.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –

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Chris Matthews Unhinged & Delusional: Obama Would “Learn Something Every Night” Watching Hardball

Chris (Thrills up my leg for Obama) Matthews is the biggest shill for a sitting president in the history of the media, and everyone knows it, yet he seems very disappointing with Obama’s dismal performance in the first presidential debate.

Unfortunately YouTube has removed these videos from their platform to hide the truth from the American People. Another coverup with the help of Google/YouTube.

Matthews usually has his head stuck so far up Obama’s ass that Obama will need a proctologist to have Matthews head dislodged.

“Where was Obama tonight? He should watch — well, not just Hardball, Rachel, he should watch you, he should watch the Reverend Al [Sharpton], he should watch Lawrence. He would learn something about this debate.” – Chris Matthews

Matthews even is delusional about how many people watch their news channel, which is next to nobody. So when Chris Matthews says “There’s a hot debate going on in this country. You know where it’s been held? Here on this network is where we’re having the debate”. Yea, Chris Matthews and 12 other liberal idiots echoing …

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