Washington Times: ‘Is Obama a pathological liar?’

The quick and easy answer is yes, we feel that Obama is an out-of-control pathological liar.

Obama will say anything to get the slightest sliver of support for his failed policies that have made our country’s medium sized problems into an emergency by cramming through their socialist policies, and raising our debt by $2.5260 trillion in under 2 years!

Lets take a little closer look at the Debt problem that the Obama Administration orchestrated.
The liars in the Obama Administration have been deceiving the American People by telling them that the debt is the fault of President Bush, Republicans, big business, or tax breaks for businesses that create jobs, and produce goods and services that support jobs in many other other industries, when the truth is that Obama heaped more debt onto our nation’s back in his first 19 months than all previous Presidents from Washington through Reagan COMBINED.

We feel that the Obama administration put our nation in this precarious position on purpose to try and put the American People’s backs up against a wall which could then be …

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Obama’s Arab Popularity Lower than G.W. Bush’s

Obama’s popularity is going down? Imagine that…. My cat could have told you that would happen.

We knew that it was just a matter of time until the shine on the Obama presidency wore off and members of the press started telling the not-so-flattering details of the current administration, instead of
running the stories about the president sending chills up their leg, as what happened with the brain-dead jackass Chris Matthews.

If the media was completely truthful, and not a pack of lying, Obama-swooning jackasses, they would have vetted Obama BEFORE he took office, so we could have bypassed some of the huge problems we are having with jobs and the economy, which were caused, or made much worse by Obama.

James Zogby, the anti-Israel pollster who released these findings today, blames the drop in support for Obama in the Arab world on Obama’s failure to put the amount of pressure on Israel the Arab world wanted and expected. But according to the poll, the Arab world doesn’t seem to be happy with any of America’s foreign policy positions. Respondents

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Afghanistan Casualty Rate Increased 5-Fold Under Obama

Afghanistan Casualty Rate Increased 5-Fold Under ObamaWhere is the outrage in the media about the increased military casualty rate as we saw them report when President Bush.was in office? This is just one more example piled on top of the stinking pile of crap we call “Typical Liberal Media Hypocrisy and Corruption”.

The average monthly casualty rate for U.S. military forces serving in Afghanistan has increased 5-fold since President Barack Obama was inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2009.

1,540 U.S. troops have been killed in Afghanistan since Oct. 7,2001, when U.S. forces began action in that country to oust the Taliban regime that had been harboring al Qaeda and to track down and capture or kill al Qaeda terrorists.

During the Bush presidency, which ended on Jan. 20, 2009 with the inauguration of President Obama, U.S. troops were present in Afghanistan for 87.4 months and suffered 570 casualties—a rate of 6.5 deaths per month.

During the Obama presidency, through today, U.S. troops have been present in Afghanistan for 29.1 months and have suffered 970 casualties —a rate of 33.3 deaths per month.

This evening President Obama is

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