Washington Times: ‘Is Obama a pathological liar?’
The quick and easy answer is yes, we feel that Obama is an out-of-control pathological liar.
Obama will say anything to get the slightest sliver of support for his failed policies that have made our country’s medium sized problems into an emergency by cramming through their socialist policies, and raising our debt by $2.5260 trillion in under 2 years!
Lets take a little closer look at the Debt problem that the Obama Administration orchestrated.
The liars in the Obama Administration have been deceiving the American People by telling them that the debt is the fault of President Bush, Republicans, big business, or tax breaks for businesses that create jobs, and produce goods and services that support jobs in many other other industries, when the truth is that Obama heaped more debt onto our nation’s back in his first 19 months than all previous Presidents from Washington through Reagan COMBINED.
We feel that the Obama administration put our nation in this precarious position on purpose to try and put the American People’s backs up against a wall which could then be …
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