Democrat Liar Hillary Clinton Says She & Bill Were “Dead Broke” When Leaving White House – Had to “Piece Together” Mortgage Payments on Multiple Luxury Homes
Yea, I feel really sorry for you Hillary! NOT!!
Worthless lying sack of crap, Hillary Clinton, says that she and Bill were “dead broke” when they left the White House, and had to “piece together the resources for mortgages for houses”

Democrat Liar Hillary Clinton Says She & Bill Were “Dead Broke” When Leaving White House – Had to “Piece Together” Mortgage Payments on Multiple Luxury Homes
Yea, right! What a stupid scumbag! If you were “dead broke” when you left the White House then you don’t know how to handle your money.
The Clintons not only made a killing in the White House, but the Clintons also apparently stole a lot of expensive items from the White House when they left.
We have read that the Clintons were forced to return household goods to the White House that they improperly took when they left, including china, cutlery, two sofas, an easy chair and an ottoman worth $19,900, televisions, rattan chairs, lamps, a kitchen table and four chairs, brass nameplates with the presidential seal on them, and other furnishings.