Possible Police Coverup – Sonoma County CA Police Shoot, Kill 13 Year Old Holding TOY Gun
The Sonoma County CA Police shot and killed a popular 13 year old who was playing with a toy rifle.
Sonoma Police claim that they told the 13 year old “repeatedly” to put down the toy gun, and something after that made the police shoot and kill the young teenager. They also claim that the child moved in such a way that the barrel of the toy gun started moving towards pointing at the officer. That’s always what crooked police say when they kill someone, because that’s how they keep getting away with their crimes.
Unfortunately YouTube has removed these videos from their platform to hide the truth from the American People. Another coverup with the help of Google/YouTube.
Witnesses that heard the gun shots that killed the teenager say that the shots were heard “seconds after” the one police vehicle siren was heard. This appears to show that the police shot the teenager just after they arrived, without much time to try and determine what was actually happening.
Another witness who watched the killing of the 13 year old …
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