Jail Time Needed For Bully Alec Baldwin After Violently Attacking Another Photographer
It’s one thing if it was a case of “He said – She said” but it’s not. These attacks have each been caught on camera, and video, and Alec Baldwin definitely seemed to be the attacker in each instance.
I think it’s funny that these photographers don’t fight back when they are being attacked. It kind of makes me want to get my camera, and stand out in front of Alec’s apartment taking pictures just to get him to come after me.
I can tell you though, if the violent criminal Alec Baldwin attacked me like that, and said the rude crap he said to the photographer he attacked, he would have been knocked clean out, with at least a broken nose, and a trip to the hospital.
Touch me once Alec, and your lights go out. I can’t wait until Alec tries to bully the wrong guy though!
…Alec Baldwin got
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