Philadelphia VA Depicts Injured & Abused Veterans as “Grouchy” Oscar the Grouch inside Trash Can
Obama’s Office of Veterans Affairs has badly abused veterans all the way across the country, and then turns around and depicts injured & abused veterans as Oscar the Grouch, inside a trash can, with the word “Grouchy” and “100% GROUCHY, DEAL WITH IT”.
This is another slap in the face of our veterans, who have been badly abused by the VA, and many veterans have even died due to the crimes and coverups at the VA.
If veterans are a little grouchy, after all of the abuse the veterans have had to endure at the hands of Obama and the Democrats, they have every right to be grouchy, if not very f’ing pissed off!
…Just as President Obama is promising to reform veterans’ health care and restore “dignity” to the system, the Veterans Affairs office in Philadelphia is apologizing for depicting dissatisfied veterans as Oscar the Grouch in an internal training guide.
A slide show presented to VA employees last week portrayed veterans as
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