Godless Democrats Drop “God” and Support of Israel from Party Platform

Godless Democrats Drop "God" and Support of Israel from Party Platform

Godless Democrats Drop “God” and Support of Israel from Party Platform

The anti-God Democrats have been wiping-out all references to “God” from their party for years, and now the Democrat Party Platform has removed God altogether.

The Official Democrat Party Platform has gone from mentioning “God” 7 times in 2004, to 1 time in 2008, to having removed all mention of God in 2012.
Democrats can not explain why their party leaders have abandoned God in Obama’s 2012 reelection effort.

Democrats also are not friends of Israel, and have completely dropped support for Israel as well, and removed the wording that stated Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.

Democrats took to the floor in Charlotte to hear speeches and also take part in a traditional ritual: approving the party’s platform.

But this year something’s different. The Democrats have dropped all references to God from the document.

The move comes after CBN News spoke with DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz about the Democrats’ relationship to the faith community.

“We really think it’s important that we not allow the Republicans to corner the

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56-Year-Old Minnesota Democrat Has Sexual Encounter with 17-Year-Old at Rest-Stop after Advertising on CraigsList

56-Year-Old Minnesota Democrat Has Sexual Encounter with 17-Year-Old at Rest-Stop after Advertising on CraigsList

56-Year-Old Minnesota Democrat Has Sexual Encounter with 17-Year-Old at Rest-Stop after Advertising on CraigsList

It’s pretty sick that Rep. Kerry Gauthier, a 56 year old Democrat would have sexual contact with a 17 year old, but you won’t hear about this in the “news” because he is a Democrat. If Rep. Kerry Gauthier were a conservative, the talk about sex with almost-minors would have drown out the furor which erupted over Todd Akin’s idiotic statement.

After being caught for having a sexual encounter with a 17 year-old at a rest stop, 56 year old Democrat Rep. Kerry Gauthier now admits engaging in oral sex with the 17 year old boy on July 22 after advertising for “no strings attached” sex on CraigsList, yet the “Obama-swooning media” (not so mainstream anymore, are they?) will not report on it.

Then Mr. Gauthier seems to have tried killing himself when he overdosed on prescription pills after the story about his sick sex with a 17 year old boy became public, and was hospitalized due to the pill overdose.

The Democrats really do know

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