NSA Whistleblower Snowden Is Hero, Not Traitor

NSA Whistleblower Snowden Is Hero, Not Traitor

NSA Whistleblower Snowden Is Hero, Not Traitor

Edward Snowden is an American Hero, not a traitor!

Mr Snowden alerted us to the gross overreaching surveillance of all U.S. telephone, Internet, and email communications by Obama’s National Security Agency (NSA). We also learned that Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, PalTalk, AOL, Skype, YouTube, and Apple have been working with the NSA, and have provided the corrupt Obama administration a back door to your personal information.

Personally, I am glad that we now know what companies were helping Obama’s NSA spy on our personal lives, so we can start to avoid using Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, PalTalk, AOL, Skype, YouTube, and Apple for any critical or secret information. (or for any personal information whatsoever)

The only people who feel that Snowden is a traitor are Obama cronies, liberals, and fake conservatives, and all of the above are pretty much brain-dead Obama-swooning idiots anyway.

Let us take Edward Snowden at his word. For a moment, assume he disclosed publicly the National Security Agency’s (NSA) broad, sweeping surveillance of all telephone, Internet, and email communications

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