Obama Hypocritical Attacks on Romney Outsourcing Coming Back to Bite Democrats
Obama and his cronies have steadily kept up their hypocritical drumbeat calling attention to Mitt Romney advising businesses that outsourced jobs, while Obama’s own jobs creation council includes at least 23 members who have imported 12,366 shipments of goods from China, totaling over 20 billion pounds, in the mere 18 months since they started advising the Obama administration.
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Obama’s jobs creation council members are purchasing many items from China that are produced in the USA as well, but Obama’s cronies seem content creating more jobs in China than in the United States.
…While President Barack Obama has attacked Mitt Romney for advising businesses that outsourced jobs, many of the executives on the president’s own jobs creation council run or advise companies that import cheaper overseas goods instead of buying American alternatives, U.S. trade records show.
Commerce Department import records reviewed by the Washington Guardian show the companies affiliated with the 23 active and 3 ex-officio members of the President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness imported 12,366 shipments from China
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