Corrupt Obama Environmental Protection Agency Secretly Plotted with Environmental Wackos to Sabotage Keystone XL Pipeline

Corrupt Obama Environmental Protection Agency Secretly Plotted with Environmental Wackos to Sabotage Keystone XL Pipeline
The corrupt Obama EPA secretly plotted with environmental wackos to sabotage the building of the Keystone XL Pipeline, even before any reviews of the plan had been conducted.
This secret plotting between the corrupt EPA and stupid tree huggers shows that Obama and his corrupt lackies at the EPA had already decided to do what they could to kill the Keystone XL Pipeline, without even allowing the laughable so-called “reviews” that the Obama administration have been using to explain their delays.
The truth is that Obama and the Democrats don’t want the Keystone XL Pipeline because it will lower gas prices in the United States, while Obama and the Democrats want the American People to pay as much for fuel as possible, which they feel will keep the creation of “greenhouse gasses” down to an acceptable level, in their eyes.
On top of the artificially high fuel prices, Obama’s inaction on the pipeline for 6 years is also costing American’s jobs
Obama and his corrupt …
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