Obama Lied About Meeting “Off the Record” With Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius

Obama Lied About Meeting "Off the Record" With Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius

Obama Lied About Meeting “Off the Record” With Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius

Obama lied through his teeth regarding his claim that he and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius met “regularly” regarding the Obamacare rollout.

If Obama had met with Sebelius, at any time, there would be records of the meeting, even if the meeting was “off the record” as the Obama administration has been saying.

Not that this small lie will matter when Obama has been able to get away with much larger and more dangerous lies, which the Democrat media arm always helped Obama coverup.

The truth is that Obama didn’t even meet once with HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius in the 3+ years since Obama’s socialized healthcare law was passed. Why? Because Obama doesn’t care how well Obamacare works – Obama only cares that he was able to cram the unwanted and unneeded law down all American’s throats, and make it stick. If the website didn’t work, then the corrupt Obama administration has a free license to throw $ millions more of our money …

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Lying Sack of Shit Obama Changes Main Obamacare Promise After Getting Caught In Slew of Earlier Lies

Obama is the biggest lying sack of shit we have ever seen in our lifetime!

Obama promised the American People over and over, ad nauseum, that “If you like your health plan and your doctor, that you can keep your health plan and doctor. Period”. Now that his health takeover is failing terribly, the lying sack of shit says that they had always said from the beginning that “you can keep it if it hasn’t changed since the law passed.”

“Now, if you have or had one of these plans before the Affordable Care Act came into law and you really liked that plan, what we said was you can keep it if it hasn’t changed since the law passed. So we wrote into the Affordable Care Act, you’re grandfathered in on that plan. But if the insurance company changes it, then what we’re saying is they’ve got to change it to a higher standard. They’ve got to make it better, they’ve got to improve the quality of the plan they are selling. That’s part of the promise that …

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Obama Lies About Not Knowing of NSA Spying on German Chancellor Angela Merkel

Of course the NSA will deny it, but Obama was apparently told in 2010 about the NSA spying on German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Obama allowed the spying on Merkel to continue.

I find it very amusing how all of these brain-dead liberal jackasses say “The leaks by Edward Snowden, regarding the NSA Spying on foreign leaders, are really hurting our international relationships”. These typical liberal idiots blame the leaks for Obama damaging every relationship the US has with foreign leaders, instead of the real problem, which is Obama’s out-of-control NSA spying on everyone in the world that he damn well pleases.

I think this part of the story was funny.
“Merkel called for U.S. authorities to clarify the extent of surveillance in Germany and to provide answers to “questions that the German government asked months ago,” ”

If Merkel thinks that she will ever get a straight and truthful answer out of Obama she is sadly mistaken. Obama is the most corrupt, least transparent, thinnest skinned president the US has ever had the dis-fortune of electing, and he will …

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More Obama Lies – Drugmakers Made Deal With Administration to Campaign for Unconstitutional Obamacare Law

Once again, Obama Lied Regarding Agreement with Drug Companies to Support the unconstitutional Obamacare Socialized Healthcare Law.

The Obama administration completely denied that there was a deal between PhRMA and the administration, when in fact the Obama administration had already struck a deal with drug companies that would finance positive TV ads and supportive groups for Obama’s unconstitutional socialized medicine law.

This is typical Democrat lies and distortions from the ultra-corrupt Obama administration, who will steal as much of your money and freedom as possible, and cram unwanted and unneeded crap down your throat, while at the same time lying through their teeth about their actions.

Trust me, nobody is shocked because everyone knows that Obama is a compulsive liar.

Drugmakers led by Pfizer (PFE) (PFE) Inc. agreed to run a “very significant public campaign” bankrolling political support for the 2010 health-care law, including TV ads, while the Obama administration promised to block provisions opposed by drugmakers, documents released by Republicans show.

The internal memos and e-mails for the first time unveil the industry’s plan to finance positive TV ads

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Romney High School Prank Really Just Typical Obama Smokescreens & Fairy Tales & Lies

You have to wonder about the very suspicious timing of this non-story. I would bet a year’s salary that Phillip Maxwell is being paid by Obama and the Democrat Culture of Corruption, as a way to add impact to Obama and Biden’s attack on marriage, which in turn brings them big money donations from gays, lesbians, which means Hollywood.

Which takes us to the the real reason for additional Obama lies, and the fake story about Romney – which is in fact the $12 million fundraiser that George Clooney held for Obama at his house, where all of the brain-dead liberal Hollywood know-nothings came out to support their socialist leader’s re-election efforts, by paying $40,000 each to attend.

“We raised a lot of money because everybody loves George. They like me; they love him,” – Mr. Obama

Yea, Obama raised a lot of money on the hopes and fears of gays and lesbians, and every “Real American” takes offense that these Hollywood elitists would shell out $40,000 to kiss George Clooney’s ring and get maybe a picture or a few …

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More Obama Lies: Obama Fabricated Bogus Girlfriend in Book – Dreams From My Father

More Obama Lies: Obama Fabricated Bogus Girlfriend in Book - Dreams From My Father

More Obama Lies: Obama Fabricated Bogus Girlfriend in Book - Dreams From My Father

The Obama administration is getting good at telling the American People lies, and almost getting away with it..

We are now learning about more Obama lies – this time in his book Dreams From My Father – where Obama goes into great detail describing a so-called ‘New York girlfriend’, which turns out to be just another Obama lie, among the many others.

“Obama only acknowledged the “compression” after Maraniss learned that Cook had no recollection of some of the events at which Obama said she was present.”

Now that the cat is out of the bag, and everyone knows that Obama lied, and actually made up the ‘New York girlfriend’, the Obama camp is scrambling to try and spin their lie, and now Obama says that the ‘New York girlfriend’ is actually a composite character, or a “compression” of girlfriends, based off of multiple girls he had dated in New York City and Chicago.

What a crock of shit! Obama is a compulsive liar, who

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More Obama Lies About Pipeline, Drilling, US Gas Prices Over Double What Obama Inherited

Obama has to be one of the all-time most untrustworthy members of our government!
In a purely political move, in order to gain more support from his base, Obama killed the Keystone XL pipeline earlier this year, but now wants to stand in front of a stack of pipes in Cushing, and take credit for the second half of the pipeline which can, and would have been built, even without Obama’s approval.

When Obama took office, he inherited the $1.80 gas prices that President Bush left. Soon after Obama took office, we saw gas prices starting to shoot up through the roof. This coincides with Obama saying that he didn’t think that $5-6/gal gas was a bad thing. He was just unhappy with how fast the price of a gallon of gas went up. Here Obama says that he didn’t have a problem when Gas prices went over $4 per gallon; he only had a problem with how fast the price got to over $4.

Liberal Gas Price Hypocrisy

In 2006 the Democrats and the media screamed bloody murder over …

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Obama Decides To Return Dirty Campaign Contributions from Criminal Fund Raisers

Obama Lies, Then Agrees To Return Dirty Campaign Contributions from Criminal Fund Raisers

Obama Lies, Then Agrees To Return Dirty Campaign Contributions from Criminal Fund Raisers

The Obama administration initially denied knowledge one of the criminal brothers who have been raising major re-election donation funds for the Obama campaign, but then later the same day, the Obama administration reversed it’s claim, and now say that they plan on returning the more than $200,000 in dirty money the criminals had raised for Obama’s re-election bid.

The two criminal brothers, who fled the US to get away with being charged with felony drug and fraud charges, have now been working with Democrats to try and get a pardon, allowing for legal re-entry into the United States.

The criminal brothers know that the corrupt “Above the Law” Democrats are the best people to go to for help, because the Democrat Culture of Corruption shows them that the criminal brothers and the Democrat party are very similar. They also realize that Republicans would laugh in their faces, and turn them in, instead of taking hundreds of thousands of dollars from the pair of criminals, as Obama did.…

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