Ultra Liberal Democrat NY Mayor Bill de Blasio Hates Minority Children

Ultra Liberal Democrat NY Mayor Bill de Blasio Hates Minority Children

Ultra Liberal Democrat NY Mayor Bill de Blasio Hates Minority Children

New York’s Democrat mayor Bill de Blasio sure loves taking pictures with minorities, but the reality is that de Blasio hates minority children, and has been working to stop the education of these kids and keep minority children stuck in poverty for their entire lives.

If Bill de Blasio didn’t hate minority children he wouldn’t have shut down the city’s highly successful public charter schools as payback to teachers unions, who are unhinged against charter schools, and want all charter schools shut down.

Call or email mayor Bill de Blasio and ask him why he hates minority children so much.

Just try to envision the scene: A newly elected Republican mayor of a large American city takes steps to close down some of the best schools serving an almost exclusively minority population. You know how it would go. We’d be hearing that Republicans “hate” the poor. The words “cruel,” “vicious,” and “racist” would circle the new mayor like sharks. News organizations would examine where the mayor sent his own

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