Levin Rips Into the Nutless Republican Party: “But For the Tea Party, You’d Be Nothing”, “Pelosi would be Speaker”

Levin Rips Into the Nutless Republican Party: "But For the Tea Party, You'd Be Nothing"

Levin Rips Into the Nutless Republican Party: “But For the Tea Party, You’d Be Nothing” – Go buy Mark Levin’s book “Ameritopia – The Unmaking of America”

Mark Levin is usually right on the money, and he hit the GOP right on the head when he told them “But for the Tea Party, you’d be nothing, as you were before, but for the Tea Party, Pelosi would be Speaker.”

Mr Levin is 100% correct. It was the Tea Party who saved America from the clutches of the left, when the wussies in the GOP establishment were set to hand the entire government over to the Democrats.

Just think of how bad the past 6 years would have been if the Tea Party was not around and the Democrats held all branches of the government.

I cringe when I think of the damage the nutless Republicans would have had to sit back and watch, as Obama and the Democrats dismantled America, to remake it as a socialist paradise.

The GOP should be scared now because nobody wants to elect, or especially …

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New Democrat Bailout Planned For Failing Obamacare Insurance Companies Being Forced on Americans

Obama and the Democrats are planning a new bailout for their friends at the insurance companies, now that it’s clear that the unconstitutional Obamacare socialized healthcare takeover is not working, and will most likely fail.

New Democrat Bailout Planned For Same Failing Obamacare Insurance Companies Being Forced on Americans

New Democrat Bailout Planned For Same Failing Obamacare Insurance Companies Being Forced on Americans

Unfortunately, most Republicans are too nutless to do anything about it though, just as they have been too weak and dumb to stop Obama from ramming through the unneeded and unconstitutional law, and illegally changing the already-written law every week on his latest whim, without the input of Congress.

All true conservatives should already be contacting their elected officials and letting them know that we will not be paying to bail out the insurance companies after they go down in flames due to getting in bed with Obama and the Democrats’ Socialized Healthcare Takeover.

a prominent consultant to health insurance companies—recently wrote in a remarkably candid blog post that, while Obamacare is almost certain to cause insurance costs to skyrocket even higher than it already has, “insurers won’t be losing a

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