DANGER! San Francisco Beach May Be Contaminated With 500-1,400 Percent Normal Radiation Levels

Beware if you are planning a trip to San FranSicko beaches – unless you like the possibility of radiation poisoning.

A man walking around the beach in San Francisco, took radiation levels using a Geiger counter, and the readout showed that the beach could be contaminated with 500 per cent normal background radiation levels. Other reports show radiation levels measuring 1,400 per cent above normal!

Obama’s EPA will never tell the truth, so the American People will never know how bad San Francisco radiation contamination is unless private citizens take it upon themselves to investigate the cause and safety of the contamination.

Personally, I probably wouldn’t normally go to San FranSicko anyway because of the screwed up people, and now that the radiation levels are so dangerous, I would definitely go to Florida instead. I mean, who wants to put up with all of the liberal assholes in CA, and then die of high levels of radiation exposure from San Francisco beaches? Not me!

Following reports of abnormally high radiation readings on a beach in San Francisco, experts have discovered

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