Brainless Liberals Running Nonnewaug High School Block Conservative Websites – Allows Full Access to Liberal Websites

Brainless Liberals Running Nonnewaug High School Block Conservative Websites – Allows Full Access to Liberal Websites
Nonnewaug High School, and Woodbury schools as a whole must be run by a bunch of typical liberal assholes who say they are for open debate, but then completely blocking opposing views they don’t agree with.
The Nonnewaug High School has been caught blocking all access to conservative websites, like or most “right-to-life” websites, but allows students to gain full access to liberal websites, like the website for Planned Parenthood baby murderers.
“I immediately found out that the State Democrat website was unblocked but the State GOP website was blocked” – Andrew Lampart, a senior at Nonnewaug High School
No changes were made to unblock the conservative websites, even after notifying the superintendent of Woodbury schools of the serious problem.
I would be pulling my kid from Nonnewaug High School so fast it would make their heads spin, and I would be filing a lawsuit against Nonnewaug High School.
Also, I wonder when the stupid liberal assholes attacking the Redskins will start going …
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