Liberal Michigan Education Association Union Tries to Protect Severance Pay of Convicted Child Rapist

The Michigan Education Association Union is pushing for a former teacher, Neil Erickson, who was convicted of raping a male student at the Rose City Middle School, to receive a $10,000 severance payment.

Liberal Michigan Education Association Union Tries to Protect Severance Pay of Convicted Child Rapist

Liberal Michigan Education Association Union Tries to Protect Severance Pay of Convicted Child Rapist

The former teacher, Neil Erickson, pleaded guilty to the charge of first-degree sexual misconduct with a minor.

These liberal pieces of crap in the Michigan Education Association Union should be run out of town by the conservatives and other good citizens of the area, but the convicted criminal child rapist is being supported by his union and liberal teacher friends.

If I were a parent in that part of Michigan, I would either be sending my kids to a private school, that is not controlled by the corrupt Michigan Education Association, or I would home-school them, but there is no way in hell that I would ever put my kids in a school or district that protects child rapists, like the Michigan Education Association does.

The Michigan Education Association is going to arbitration

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