Mob of Black Men in Springfield Missouri Attack White Couple in Heinous Race / Hate Crime
In a very heinous hate crime in Springfield MO, a mob of 6-7 black criminal thugs attacked a white couple on the street, after apparently sexually assaulting the white woman minutes earlier outside the Outland Ballroom club in downtown Springfield.
How did the two Springfield MO Police not make any arrests after they chased 6-7 black men down the street just after the attack ended? I’d say that is pretty poor performance by the Springfield MO. Police! The Square in downtown Springfield would be a very hard area to just lose 6-7 black men they were chasing.
Are the Springfield Police afraid of Obama and Eric Holder coming down on them for arresting a bunch of violent black thug criminals?
The white man getting attacked in the video actually did a great job fighting back against 6-7 nutless black thug criminal pussies who seemed to like hitting women! They ran like the little bitches they really are. Nobody said that you have to be tough or smart to commit a hate crime though, did they?
If these racist thug …
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