Corrupt Obama Administration Gives Criminal “Journalist” Title After Caught Bugging Mitch McConnell Office

Corrupt Obama Administration Gives Criminal “Journalist” Title After Caught Bugging Mitch McConnell Office – Sounds like Watergate
Every report shows that the corrupt Obama administration has been regularly engaging in criminal activity which is far worse that that of Nixon.
Didn’t Watergate bring down Nixon, and wasn’t the Watergate Scandal started when Nixon’s people bugged the DNC offices? Then afterwards, they lied about the crime,and worked hard to cover it up.
Sound familiar? This is EXACTLY what the Democrats have done, and if allowed to be investigated in the same way that Watergate was investigated, we are sure that this would lead directly to the top, stopping on Obama’s Oval Office desk.
Not only have they bugged the Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s campaign headquarters, but when you add up all of the other scandals and coverups being stonewalled and stalled by Obama, Holder, and the Democrats, it should be more than enough to Impeach the worst and most corrupt president in United …
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